Showing 101 - 125 of 1,140 Results
St. Leo's Epistle to Flavian: The Tome of St. Leo by Pope, Leo I. ISBN: 9781113305893 List Price: $16.99
The Life of His Holiness Pope Leo Xiii Together With Extracts From His Pastorals and Encycli... by Clarke, Richard Henry ISBN: 9781152847989 List Price: $42.55
A Vindication of the Bull 'apostolicae Curae'; A Letter on Anglican Orders by Xiii, Pope Leo ISBN: 9781458906120 List Price: $20.00
Toulon: Provence-Alpes-Cte-d'Azur, Var, Provence, Military Port of Toulon, Charles de Gaulle... by Surhone, Lambert M., Timple... ISBN: 9786130491529 List Price: $42.00
Pope Leo XIII by McCarthy, Justin ISBN: 9781141387168 List Price: $27.75
The Latin Poems of Leo Xiii: Done Into English Verse by Xiii, Pope Leo ISBN: 9781141457458 List Price: $19.75
The Medici Popes: Leo X. and Clement Vii. by Vaughan, Herbert Millingchamp ISBN: 9781142186555 List Price: $37.75
The Land Question: Property in Land, the Condition of Labor by George, Henry, Argyll, Geor... ISBN: 9781142185954 List Price: $32.75
Pope Leo Xiii: His Life and Work by De Narfon, Julien, Raper, G... ISBN: 9781143108457 List Price: $26.75
The Medici Popes (Leo X. and Clement Vii.) by Vaughan, Herbert Millingchamp ISBN: 9781142716806 List Price: $35.75
Lives of the English Martyrs Declared Blessed by Pope Leo XIII in 1886 and 1895 by Camm, Bede ISBN: 9781143831348 List Price: $45.75
Poems, Charades, Inscriptions of Pope Leo Xiii: Including the Revised Compositions of His Ea... by Leo, Henry, Hugh Thomas ISBN: 9781142855703 List Price: $31.75
Poems, Charades, Inscriptions of Pope Leo Xiii: Including the Revised Compositions of His Ea... by Leo, Henry, Hugh Thomas ISBN: 9781143123405 List Price: $31.75
The Medici popes: Leo X and Clement VII by Herbert M. 1870-1948 Vaughan ISBN: 9781172768318 List Price: $37.75
Pope Leo XIII by Justin McCarthy ISBN: 9781172831609 List Price: $27.75
Select sermons of S. Leo the Great on the incarnation: with his 28th epistle, called the "tome" by Pope Leo I, W Bright ISBN: 9781172807611 List Price: $28.75
The Condition of Labor: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII by Henry George ISBN: 9781141498932 List Price: $21.75
Satis Cognitum: Encyclical on the Unity of the Church by Pope Leo XIII ISBN: 9781892331342
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